Saturday, July 01, 2006

AC Lubbock, TX My Commitment

God is calling me to desciple other believers in my oikos. Next summer God is calling me to lead other coulples in some type of M-trip. I still don't know where, but I know I can't stop here. God is calling me to action.

AC Lubbock, TX

Today I met a lady that is sick. She said the doctors say there is no hope. But I told her there is hope with Jesus. I got to share my story and also Gloria's story. Both stories are God's story.

TC Lubbock, TX

This has been an awesome week. The Lord has showed me so many things that I can do through Him. Todays lesson was easy I read it in Mark 7:6 this morning. How can I be like Christ if I don't act like Christ. Forgivness was todays lesson, it has nothing to do with the week but today I learned it.